Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Are Here To Protect You
The anxiety you feel when you’re stopped by a law enforcement officer can skyrocket into fear and panic if your encounter ends in an arrest. If you’ve never been in this circumstance, you may not know what to do.
At our law firm, Ohlson & Ohlson, Attorneys at Law, our criminal defense lawyers and staff show compassion to our clients. We know this is a tough time for you. We will provide you with clear-eyed assessments of your situation and present you with our recommendations for how to navigate your court date and trial.
Aggressive Criminal Defense Lawyers For All Situations
The consequences of a criminal conviction vary dramatically, from community service hours to years in prison. However, even a supposedly “minor” conviction can keep you from certain jobs, volunteer opportunities and housing options. Some crimes, such as sexual offenses, can permanently damage your reputation and result in a lifetime of having to register with the state.
Some case types in which we’ve successfully defended clients include:
- Breaking and entering/burglary
- Domestic violence
- Driver’s license suspension
- Drug crimes, including possession and trafficking
- Gun charges
- Human trafficking
- Larceny/theft
- Making criminal threats
- Sex crimes, including rape accusations and possession of child pornography
At Ohlson & Ohlson, Attorneys at Law, our attorneys will prepare forward-thinking defense strategies. Our goal is not a quick payday – it is limiting the damage that the arrest will have on your life.
Safeguarding The Future Of College Students
The Greater Boston area hosts many colleges and universities, where students experience adult-level responsibilities and challenges for the first time. If your child is arrested and convicted of a crime, they may lose their scholarships or even the ability to attend their current learning institution.
Our attorneys provide a vigorous defense of 18- to 21-year-olds for many types of charges, including:
- Minor in possession of alcohol
- Underage drunk driving arrests
- Malicious destruction of property
- Indecent assault and battery or rape
Our attorneys fight to give students who’ve been arrested the second chance they deserve.
Contact Your Reading Criminal Defense Attorneys Today
Whether your arrest was due to a poor choice, a mistake or another reason, hiring the right criminal defense attorney is critical to moving past the situation with minimal damage. Call our firm at 781-214-7398 to set up your free initial consultation or send us an online message. We serve clients in Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex counties.