Have You Been Snagged In An Online Solicitation Sting?
In Massachusetts, soliciting sex for a fee is a misdemeanor, which results in harsh consequences. Police frequently arrest people in online stings involving Backpage and Craigslist, even when no sexual acts occurred. You can find yourself humiliated and facing criminal charges simply for being accused of untoward conversations or emails.
If you have been linked to an online solicitation sting, you are likely to be charged with soliciting sex for a fee. At Ohlson & Ohlson, Attorneys at Law, our goal is to win every case we accept. We offer skilled and aggressive defense against sex crimes, aiming to prevent our clients from facing jail time, fines, probation, a permanent criminal record and other consequences.
Many people who have been accused of soliciting sex for a fee just want the ordeal to go away as quickly and quietly as possible. Ensure you understand your rights and options before making any rushed decisions. Our criminal defense attorneys can help.
What Are Your Options?
Your options depend on the circumstances of the sting and your background. If you have no criminal record, you may have more opportunities to resolve the case favorably.
Regardless of your record, we will investigate the sting and determine whether the police violated your rights at any time, among other avenues that could lead to dismissals. If a dismissal is not possible, we will aim to resolve your case in a way that leaves you with no criminal record. Pretrial probation — resulting in no criminal record — is often an option for first-time offenders.
It is important to talk to an experienced and reputable lawyer to discuss your concerns and choose the best path forward. We understand you may have many questions and we will take the time to answer them and walk you through every step of the process.
Schedule Your Free Consultation
If you have been caught up in an online solicitation sting, ensure you handle your case the right way. Contact us to talk about your options as soon as possible. Call us today at 781-214-7398 to schedule an appointment for your free initial consultation. We serve clients in Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex counties.