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How to obtain a license for a firearm in Massachusetts

On Behalf of | Dec 31, 2024 | Firearms Offenses |

The Second Amendment enshrines the right to bear arms and establish a militia for self-defense and social protection. Thousands of people in Massachusetts legally make use of their right to bear arms by purchasing firearms. Most people who purchase and train with firearms follow every necessary legal step and carefully conform to best practices for safety.

However, some of those firearm owners May unintentionally violate the law. They may fail to get the appropriate license required by the state and could then be at risk of arrest and criminal prosecution. Everyone who owns or carries a firearm in Massachusetts must have a state-issued license.

Understanding the process of securing a firearm license is important for those seeking to legally and safely make use of the Second Amendment. What does a prospective firearm owner need to do to secure a license?

Licensing requires paperwork and payment

There are two key components of the firearm licensing process in Massachusetts. The first is the submission of appropriate documentation. The second is the payment of the requisite state fee. Both residents of Massachusetts and visitors to the state typically have to pay a $100 fee to secure a firearm license. Minors and retired law enforcement professionals may be eligible for reduced fees.

Applicants also have to submit the appropriate paperwork. The application is a four-page document that the applicant must fill out with accurate, honest information. Every applicant must also have a certificate of completion from a Massachusetts Basic Firearms Safety Course and a form of state-issued identification. In some cases, they may also need proof of residency in the state.

The state performs both federal and state-level background checks. Applicants must also undergo a fingerprint check and a review of any records with the Department of Mental Health. The entire process may take up to 60 days. For out-of-state applicants, the process can be longer. They may need to apply at least 90 days before they believe they need their licenses.

Understanding and complying with the rules for firearm licensing can help people avoid firearm charges. Gun owners accused of inappropriate conduct or a lack of licensing may need help responding to the allegations they face in order to protect their freedom and their rights.

